What is #Rebirthday?

If you’ve experienced some type of pain in your life, you know the strong hold that it can have on your day-to-day life even years after an event occurred. But what if you were to redefine a date from your past, or a date that’s significant in your life, into a date that marks the beginning of your new commitment toward healing. We hope that this will not only help loosen the hold that your pain has on you, but also inspire you to explore various wellness modalities.

Why choose a date?

Mental health conditions, addiction and trauma can be severely crippling, even to the point of thoughts of suicide. So, if you’re struggling to stay on course on your journey of healing, NoStigmas is here to be ally. For our #Rebirthday celebration, we’re encouraging you to reclaim a date or choose one to transform into a meaningful stepping stone on your wellness journey.

How to choose a date?

Your #Rebirthday can be a date in the past, present or future. Pick a date that’s significant to you. It could be the date you decided to go to therapy or the day you experienced a trauma. It could be the birthday of someone you admire, the date you’ve fulfilled an important life milestone or something else that reminds you to stay committed to your wellness.

Dates can have very personal meaning, but deciding on a date isn’t always easy. In this case, Ally Kay has two significant dates.

Kay was arrested on August 11, 2001 for a DUI. At this time, her sister-in-law was pregnant with Kay’s first niece, who was born on September 27, 2001. Kay claims both of these dates, the first being the day when she realized she was out of control, and the second became her constant reminder that life was worth living.

But, not everyone can pinpoint a specific date. Those who live with complex trauma can point to a myriad of incidents over many years that have contributed to their mental health challenges. So if you don’t have a specific “pain date”, consider claiming a date of your choosing.

The reason behind your choice of date can be entirely personal, or it can reflect something external. The most important thing is that it provides motivation and helps you bring about a positive change in your life. You decide, and whatever you choose, NoStigmas will support you.

Celebrating Your Rebirthday
(Implementing it into your life)

At NoStigmas, we believe that our journey to wellness is ongoing. We are responsible for our mental health and know that in order to maintain your mental wellness, you have to work on it. The Rebirthday celebration is designed to help you experience what it means to move forward.

We can celebrate our rebirthdays through various ways: 

  1. Post your #Rebirthday on social media along with a video or photo. Tell your community why you’re participating in the celebration!

  2. Become an Ally by taking the Ally Training course. By taking the time for Ally Training, you can learn to be accountable for your own mental health while getting more educated about supporting those around you.

  3. Utilize a wellness toolkit. Whether that is through writing, meditation, daily affirmations, or a combination of self care, you can celebrate your #Rebirthday every year by implementing new strategies that make you feel good.

  4. Use your date as a reminder not just of the trauma or the negative you’ve faced, but also to remember all that you’ve overcome. Each year on your date, remember where you’ve been in terms of your mental health, and the positive strides you have made to move forward.

We look forward to seeing how you get involved with the #Rebirthday celebration. Thank you for being an important part of this community. We’re glad you’re here!